Is Your Website Responsive & Mobile Friendly?
A website today needs to be able to work on any & all mobile devices. It must be able to load quickly over a mobile network. Today Google is Mobile Friendly First. That means if your site does not work well on mobile devices and your competitors do, then their site will rank above yours.
It’s only going to become more and more important every year that a website can be easily navigated on any mobile phone or tablet.
Is Your Website Still Using Outdated Technology?
Not too many years ago, websites we built with Flash, or are still best used with Internet Explorer.
Sites built as little as a few years ago can be outdated today and will only be more outdated tomorrow.
There are so many sites to compete with, make sure your site is updated and kept updated with the current technology systems.
Do Your Website Still Match Your Current Branding?
Companies and brands evolve over time, and your website needs to do the same. You can not go back and change someone’s first impression if they came to your site and it does not match your current branding or message.
Keep your content and branding up to date and your potential customers will receive your message loud and clear.
Is Your Site Bringing You In Leads or Conversions?
If the answer is no, then it is time for an upgrade. Websites should be a pivotal role in drumming up new income for your business and maintaining your current customers and clients.
Do You Have Difficulty Keeping Your Website Updated With Good Content?
It can be difficult to keep a website updated when you are just trying to keep up with your day-to-day business. A website needs fresh content frequently to thrive. Your site should be bringing visitors to your site that have never heard of you and then it will give you a chance to earn their business.
Partnering with a good digital company (like Evolve Websites ) that can keep your site updated with your fresh content and monitored 24/7 for security risks and crashing can be invaluable.
Are your URL’s Website Titles and Meta Descriptions All Over The Place?
If you answered yes, then it is time to have your website updated. In today’s world of search algorithms ever-changing, it is important to keep your website in good standing with search engines by having the proper behind-the-scenes data correct.
Does the Site Look Like It’s From 1999 to the Early 2000s?
If you have not updated your site recently or it has just been sitting dormant out there in the vast worldwide web, then it is time to update it.
It still is amazing how many sites out there that look like it partied like it was 1999 and is still at the same party.
Keep it fresh and modern. You have to adapt to today’s designs and technology. Look at what has happened to some major companies and stores that did not adapt. They just became irrelevant.
Don’t let this happen to you. Give Evolve Websites a call or visit our contact page and let us see how we can help you and your business be relevant in this digital world.